Temple Sinai Brotherhood
Temple Sinai's Brotherhood strives to provide meaningful services to the Temple Sinai community. We create opportunities to build stronger congregational ties, support our clergy and lay leadership in the development of educational programs, and provide a forum for expressing Jewish men's values. We develop and sponsor community-building events that support Judaism and Jewish life.
Here are some of the events and services we provide to the Temple Sinai community:
• We prepare a congregational "Breakfast" on the evening of our Selichot service before Rosh Hashanah.
• We sponsor and run the cook-out at the end of the Religious School year.
• Brotherhood sponsors educational events like "How to Make a Jewish Pickle," in which Rabbi Jeff taught us about Jewish masculinity over a deli dinner!
Please join us.
Here are some of the events and services we provide to the Temple Sinai community:
• We prepare a congregational "Breakfast" on the evening of our Selichot service before Rosh Hashanah.
• We sponsor and run the cook-out at the end of the Religious School year.
• Brotherhood sponsors educational events like "How to Make a Jewish Pickle," in which Rabbi Jeff taught us about Jewish masculinity over a deli dinner!
Please join us.