Candle Blessing
Mishkan T'filah, page 120
How to Light Shabbat Candles
Candles are lit in the home and in the synagogue on Friday evening to mark the beginning of Shabbat. Traditionally, two candles are lit to represent the words in the two versions of the Ten Commandments for the mitzvah of Shabbat – "Remember (זכור; zachor) the Sabbath day to sanctify it" (Exodus 20:8), and "Keep (שמור; shamor) the Sabbath day to sanctify it" (Deuteronomy 5:12). One candle is for "Remember" and one is for "Keep." Some communities and some families have a different tradition – to light one candle for each member of the family.
The candles can be lit in any order. After lighting the candles, many people have the custom of waving their hands over the candles three times and then drawing their hands over their eyes. This signifies drawing God's presence close before making the blessing.
The blessing is then recited – either spoken or chanted. After reciting the blessing take a moment to look into the flickering lights, draw a breath, feel the rest of Shabbat surround you and transport you into a time beyond time. Shabbat shalom.
The candles can be lit in any order. After lighting the candles, many people have the custom of waving their hands over the candles three times and then drawing their hands over their eyes. This signifies drawing God's presence close before making the blessing.
The blessing is then recited – either spoken or chanted. After reciting the blessing take a moment to look into the flickering lights, draw a breath, feel the rest of Shabbat surround you and transport you into a time beyond time. Shabbat shalom.