Shabbat Shaboom is a program at Temple Sinai for families with preschool and kindergarten children. We meet on the second Friday of each month at 5:00 PM for a half hour of Jewish songs, stories, crafts and snacks to celebrate Shabbat. Children learn that the Temple is a a fun and happy place. Parents learn how to bring Jewish life and practice into their homes.
Shabbat Shalom is free and open to everyone – Temple members, non-members, Jewish families, interfaith families, parents, grandparents and caregivers. Join us for a weekly celebration as Rabbi Jeff helps us get ready for Shabbat and nurture our children's Jewish souls!
Shabbat Shalom is free and open to everyone – Temple members, non-members, Jewish families, interfaith families, parents, grandparents and caregivers. Join us for a weekly celebration as Rabbi Jeff helps us get ready for Shabbat and nurture our children's Jewish souls!